Senioritis is something that is 'diagnosed' to people who are on their last year, especially their last semester, of school ... whether it be high school or college. The symptoms include, but are not limited to: decreased dedication in schoolwork, increased 'partying' and 'fun activities,' lots of missing homework, poor test grades, etc. I was diagnosed at the beginning of this school year, for maybe two weeks. And now, I'm far from it. I feel like I am up over my head in stress, stress, and more stress. Being a senior and having to focus on 19 credits of school, a job, and an internship, AND finding a career is the most difficult thing. Ever. It doesn't help when your teachers are telling you to be applying for so many jobs per week, and your parents are really encouraging you to not move home after graduation. On top of that, what job do I apply for? I love social media, but would regret not doing extreme sports, like my original plan. But then I have to move to California or Florida (Red Bull, Alliance, FuelTV, etc). Am I ready to move out of state, on my own?
I have midterms next week, and I have no idea how I'm going to find time to write these papers, study for these tests, and get projects done. On top of that, I'm going to interviews and applying for jobs. At least trying to. AHHHH I can't wait for spring break. Except I'm not doing anything. Nothing. Nada. Sooo I'll probably get bored after a few days. But, it'll be great to relax and not have all of this homework. Maybe I can actually apply to the 50 jobs that are in my 'job carts' on different business websites.
Here is what I do to get away from stress:
- Online shop (I bought two Victoria Secret swimsuits last night)
- Blog (It's my version of having a conversation since I live by myself and there's no one here to talk to. Plus, then I can find interesting things online so I can intrigue you all)
- Remember how great of a boyfriend I have and how perfect our relationship is (speaking of, he's calling me right now)
- Talk to family (Visited the bro's new place tonight, daily talks with the sis)
- Drink Bubble Tea (Definitely getting that tomorrow morning)
- Find time to hang out with close friends, whether at other schools, back at home, or just down the street.
- Think of the sun shining (I can workout outside soon)
- StumbleUpon
- Browse through Flickr
- Read blogs (check out the ones I follow)
- Listen to music (Adele is playing right now ... so beautiful)
- Play the piano
- Sing
- Take photos
- Clean
- Burn incense (well, it's usually burning whether stressed or not)
- Watch the newest Bachelor or Gossip Girl episode (I'm obsessed)
- Eat candy (my weakness)
I'm going to Duluth tomorrow. Atmosphere is playing on Saturday at UMD! It will be my first Atmosphere show ... probably one of many. Chase is a pretty big fan as well ... he bought me the ticket :) I can also use this show to do a concert review for one of my classes ... it's not all fun and games, folks. Obviously we will be going snowboarding. Reeeally looking forward to that. Especially working on jumping higher and maybe getting some grabs in! And then, after those two fun activities are accomplished, it's back to the books.
peace and love.
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