Wednesday, April 20

Final Events

It's that time of year. Finals. Except this year is different, because I've come down with a nasty case of Senioritis. However, keeping busy helps me stay on track. Last week, I clocked in 42 hours at work ... which was mainly Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you do not recall, I am the McNally Smith events Student Manager. I work with the Events Manager on pretty much every event that goes down at the school. Unfortunately she had a family emergency, and I was put in charge from Tuesday through Sunday. This would not have been a very big deal, except that the biggest event that we hosted this semester, was going on this past weekend ... the String Theory Festival. So I became the House Manager and babysat the whole event. I was told that if I felt extremely bored, then I was doing my job perfect. So ... needless to say, I was the best House Manager ever. Not only did I get to spend 12-15 hours per day at school doing homework and hanging out with other student workers, but I was able to see all of the shows for free. I also got to meet and hang out with a couple of the artists. I found a new appreciation for bands with stringed instruments in them, and loved every single show.

On Monday night, Dessa was our 'Live at Five' guest. Associated Press picked up on the show and we had over 400 people walk through our auditorium. I got to crowd control the full house and made sure people without tickets followed the rules. I also got to sell merch after wards (12 CD's and a book). My boss and I chilled in the back behind the auditorium and listened to a song, and went into the Green Room to tidy up ... and I had a drink out of Dessa's iced water beverage container. Be jealous. I was also introduced to her after the show, and then helped tear down the chaos.

Last night was McNally Smith's 25th Anniversary party. As soon as class was over, I ran to the bathroom, dressed up, and headed upstairs to the transformed cafe. Most of our teachers were there, as well as Mayor Coleman,Jack McNally, and Doug Smith. The Mayor declared April 19th as 'Jack McNally and Doug Smith day,' and the rest of the night was filled with chit-chatting and meeting people. I followed the photographer around and talked to her about my engagement photoshoot tomorrow (so excited for that). She gave me some pointers, asked me to send my portfolio her way, and asked if I would be interested in assisting her busy wedding-schedule this summer. Duh. I would love that. I was also introduced to the President of the school with praises for my job well done this past weekend, and was told that if a job opened up in events I would be recommended and considered. Not to mention, this convo was going down with a Michelob Golden Light in my hand, and the President and I cheersed as he 'welcomed me to the family.'

I had a final project due on Monday. A final test to study for this Friday. And then this is what I have left to do for finals week:
2 powerpoint presentations
A final semester-learned paper
10-page research paper
Online accounting test
Make an interview into a movie and present it
Work at the choir concert
Work at graduation, and then graduate

Needless to say, this was well appreciated (my last college care package from my mom and her care package friends. Complete with my favorite candy ... raisinets, sour gummy worms, blue Welch's fruit snacks, and hot tamales. And we can't forget the Wakeboard mag or three bottles of magic bubbles):

peace and love.

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