Wednesday, December 1

Life Changes

So I didn't want to do tons of posts on this blog about me and my personal life .. mainly because I find my life not very interesting. I mean, I'm constantly doing stuff and so many exciting things do happen in my life. However, I don't feel I need to talk about the things that happen to my daily living. But, for all you friends and family that do care what's happening in my personal life, I feel like now is a time where I should let you all in on what is really happening. So here goes...

I put my two weeks notice into work today. You know when you have to pee so badly that it starts hurting your back, and then you go pee and you feel like you're on top of the world? That's what I feel like right now. Relief. Don't get me wrong, I've learned so much from my job and have had some great times. For those of you who don't know, I have been a PCA (personal care assistant) for the past nine months for a lady with Parkinson's. She is 67 years old and has been a self-employed water-color painter for the past twenty-some years. She is an amazing woman and so strong, inspirational, and courageous, however we have had our stubborn moments and I have found myself to be physically and emotionally drained after most of my 5-hour shifts. It's not because of her, it's just not the right part-time job for me! Some people don't fit into the right things, and this just isn't something that works for me and my life. Also, I feel like right now, with my graduation next semester, I need to focus on my internships (yes, multiple .. read on!) and not have a medical job get in the way of my music career, internships, and 19 CREDITS of schoolwork.

I have applied to many babysitting/nanny jobs and things are looking up for those already!! I'm looking forward to meeting my first potential family tomorrow :) The childcare jobs I applied for seem to be fairly flexible and some are super early in the morning, every once in awhile, so I don't feel like they will get in the way of my internships and schoolwork.

You all know that I recently got an internship at Fifth Element. If you feel like you were not informed, read the post a few away from here. As you will see, this is a pretty big internship with a well-known record store. About a month ago, I informed you all that I applied for two internships. Well, I got that second internship phone call yesterday! The City of St. Paul's Director of Arts and Events called me and was stoked on me! He said he 'really wanted to work with me and everything on my resume is perfect and exactly what he wants.' How can I say no to that?! FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL!! I'm meeting with him on Friday at his office in the Mayor's suite in the City Hall and he is showing me around his job and what he wants me to be doing and we will discuss it further as we stroll to get some coffee.

ahhhh i love my life right now. A celebration will be made this weekend as I head up to Lutsen to break in my snowboard for the season, hang out with the man, the BWCA crew, a long-lost bestie, spend some time at that cabin from one of my earlier posts, and watch a snowboard video premiere.


peace and love.

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