Wednesday, December 29

Birthday Celebration

Tonight is my birthday party! Some people probably think that I'm too old to plan my birthday party with all of my friends still, but I love it. It's the one time a year when I can see most of my friends since we are all home and, now, we are all legally to go out on the town. Even though some people might think it sucks having your birthday the day after Christmas, I actually enjoy it. My parents have always been pretty good with separating my gifts and not letting me open birthday gifts on Christmas. However, this year, I got photoshop CS5 :) :) :) so that was part of my birthday present, and then I also got a cute leather jacket on my birthday. One tradition that I have always had on my birthday is to have a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. This is the first year that I did not get one. However, shrimp became my cake. It was delicious.

My favorite birthday was a few years ago. My best friend and now roommate bought me two tickets for her and me to go to the Quietdrive concert. I thought this was for my Christmas present and was super stoked on getting those tickets. On the 28th, I got a text from a friend saying that she was picking me up the next day at 3 pm and I needed to be ready for the concert. So, just as she said, she was there at 3 pm with a blindfold and secrets. She blindfolded me and drove me around for, what seemed like, 30 minutes. I thought for sure we were almost to the cities. When she finally stopped and opened the door, it was insanely quiet. So, this led me to believe we were at a hockey rink. But why would we be at a hockey rink by ourselves and with me blindfolded? It didn't make sense. We walked up stairs and I heard my best friend's dog start barking. We were still in my hometown. She opened the door, I took off my blindfold, and all my girlfriends were there. Not only had they all bought concert tickets to come with, but we were staying in a hotel suite that night as well!! It was a blast. I have the best friends ever and cannot wait to be with most of them tonight. There's never a dull moment with those people so I know tonight will bring lots of fun for sure.

Here are pics of my 20th birthday party. It was a blast. I had all the girls over and told them to dress in green and red. And of course, there was Dairy Queen ice cream cake. Here's the outcome:

peace and love.

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