Tuesday, November 16

Watch Out World

Last week I signed up for my LAST semester at McNally Smith College of Music (as long as I don't fail any classes). It's crazy knowing that this is my last year of school. I have no plans to continue education after my Bachelor's degree. After hearing from friends graduating college and going home to work at retail and old jobs, I am really trying hard to not take this school and being in school for granted. I'm living on loans and a small paycheck. I don't have huge bills. I am definitely working my butt off and don't have much time for fun, but I know it will pay off someday. I'll be sad to leave McNally. They have done so much for me and are constantly providing me with new ideas and opportunities. I have so much passion and love for the school. Their programs, classes, teachers, opportunities, how much they push students and force us to face reality and build up determination and strive to be a hard-working and open-minded individual. Here's to McNally Smith!!

peace and love.

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